Nooks and Crannies Laser Hair Removal

Do you want laser hair removal in your “nooks and crannies” but you are to afraid too ask?

The other day, a client came into my office and was acting a bit odd as she is normally incredibly outgoing and talkative. I asked her what was up and in a rather timid voice she said, “I have some hair “down there” that I would love to have removed, but I’m thinking that maybe it’s not a good idea or that you would rather not want to do it.” I could tell that she was a bit embarrassed.

If there is hair on your body, Vasu Skin Solutions can remove it! The only exception is eyebrows. We do not mess with eyebrows!

We do remove back and chest hair, underarm, legs, arms, lip, chin, male and female brazilians, etc. You get the idea; if you have unwanted hair, Vasu will take care of it! Laser hair removal is the way to go!

Yes, every single hair on you body can be reduced permanently by laser hair removal. Remember, we see hundreds of clients a month. You might be uptight about your body, about your hair, but we are not. We have seen it all. Believe me, I mean it when I say we have seen it ALL!

Like your doctor, you can trust us. What goes on in Vasu stays in Vasu. End of story.

If you know Jen on a personal level and feel odd that she is seeing you stripped down to your childhood self, no problem as Katie can take over. The same goes if you know Katie; Jen can take over.

So, if you have hair in your “nooks and crannies” that you would like removed, don’t be shy just tell us and we will take care of it!

Vasu Skin Solutions in Boulder
2490 Junction Place
Suite 102
Boulder, CO 80301

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