Skin Care: 1-2-3

The skincare industry is booming with products filling shelves in grocery stores, pharmacies, physician offices and even your local farmer’s market! It is easy to become confused, irritated and either purchase nothing at all or too many products doing the same thing. In the end, consumers often feel as if they do not know how to use any of their skincare products!

It is always recommended starting with a skin care analysis from a licensed aesthetician to determine your specific skin care needs. The aesthetician will discuss your primary skin care goals such as anti-aging, reducing pigment, wrinkle reduction, skin tightening, etc. The consultation sets the stage for obtaining information on each client’s lifestyle, eating habits and stress level. A formal skin analysis provides recommendations, products and treatments based on each client and their specific skin care needs.

For those of you who do not have the time for a skin consultation by a licensed aesthetician, please do not worry as I would love to share some of Vasu Skin Solutions’ skin care tips!

To begin with, let’s keep it easy and think in steps of 3! Three steps in the morning and three in the evening.


  1. I typically wash my face every morning with a mild cleanser.
  2. In Colorado, I like to do as much as possible to protect my face from the sun’s harmful rays so, I always use some type of antioxidant such as a Vitamin C serum or lotion (depending on your skin type). Vitamin C contains potent antioxidant properties to protect cells from free radical damage.
  3. The final step in the morning is to protect your skin by using SUNSCREEN. Broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen should be an essential part of your skin care protocol. You can find moisturizing, tinted, non-oily, sunscreen almost anywhere. Find a sunscreen that you like and use it, every day!


  1. We beg you, always wash your face every evening! In the evening, I like to use an active cleanser which contains exfoliating properties such as Salicylic or Glycolic Acids (these are only a couple of examples). Exfoliating improves the texture and tone of your skin and speeds up your skins natural shedding process. Exfoliation also allows for the penetration of anti-aging products rather than sitting on the surface of your skin.
  2. Now is the time to apply an anti-aging product for night time penetration! My favorite anti-aging treatments are products which contain some type of Retinols (basically Vitamin A, please note that products containing high concentrations of Vitamin A should not be used while pregnant or breast feeding – please talk with your physician).
  3. Your last step is to moisturize!

These steps may seem daunting but try to keep it simple, 3 steps in the morning and 3 at night! In the morning cleanse, use an antioxidant and protect; in the evening cleanse, use anti-aging treatment and finish with a moisturizer! If you need further assistance or advice call Vasu Skin Solutions (720.470.4837) or email us at and schedule your free skin consultation today!

Jennifer R Fisher, Owner, Vasu Skin Solutions, B.S., M.S., Certified Esthetician and Certified in Medical Aesthetic Laser/IPL.


Vasu Skin Solutions in Denver
3195 Blake Street
Suite 102
Denver, CO 80205

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