IPL Treatment for Pigmentation

Among the many common skincare concerns people have, pigmentation issues may be the most challenging. Areas of darkened skin can leave you feeling insecure and self-conscious about your appearance. And using cosmetics to cover it up may not be adequate. If you’re ready for a solution to hyperpigmentation that delivers visible results with minimal downtime, consider Intense Pulsed Light or also known as IPL treatment.

What is Pigmentation?

Pigmentation refers to darkened areas of skin caused by too much melanin. Pigmentation can be irregularly shaped and unevenly colored. It can range from the freckles that have appeared on your face or hands after years of UV sun exposure or the melasma that sometimes shows up on pregnant women’s faces and never really goes away. It can also be caused by skin injuries that include surgical procedures, fluctuating hormone levels, and age– as we get older, our bodies’ ability to regulate melanin production goes a little haywire.

How does IPL treatment help?

IPL treatment is an intense pulsed light treatment. Using a specialized medical device in our spa-like setting, our trained aestheticians deliver concentrated beams of light to the pigmented area. That light profoundly penetrates the skin and breaks up the pigment at the source. That pigment sloughs off within 7-10 days. Vasu Skin Solutions has multiple solutions to address clients’ pigmentation concerns with lighter and darker skin tones.

Long Term Care after Treatment

Immediately after an IPL treatment for pigmentation, you may experience some skin redness. It’s essential to use sunscreen afterward to protect sensitive skin and help prevent new areas of pigmentation from surfacing. A series of treatments is typically recommended for the best result, usually every month. Once the series is complete, maintenance IPL treatments are generally required once or twice a year to maintain the results.

Contact Vasu Skin Solutions Today!

Pigmentation can make you feel self-conscious, but it’s not a skincare condition that you have to live with. If you’re tired of using cosmetics to cover up age spots, freckles, and similar discoloration, turn to Vasu Skin Solutions in Boulder for IPL treatments that can leave your skin looking clear while restoring your confidence.

Vasu Skin Solutions in Boulder
2490 Junction Place
Suite 102
Boulder, CO 80301

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