Microneedling Aftercare – What You Need to Know

microneedling boulder

Microneedling or collagen induction therapy is a great way to fight aging without cosmetic surgery. Your aesthetician uses a roller wand fitted with dozens of tiny needles to gently puncture the skin. These minor injuries force the skin to start a healing process that stimulates collagen production. It minimizes wrinkles and restores your youthful appearance by improving skin tone and texture. Microneedling is a simple procedure that’s quick and relatively painless; however, proper aftercare is essential to achieving best results.

Microneedling Skin Care After Treatment


Your aesthetician will apply sunscreen once the microneedling procedure is complete. Immediately after your microneedling treatment, your face may feel hot, reddened, sore or tight. It’s very similar to the look and sensation of a sunburn.
Avoid your typical skin care routine for 2-3 days to prevent further irritation and interfering with the healing process. Use a gentle cleanser and pat skin dry. Applying antioxidant serums can soothe and foster skin’s recovery. Products with hyaluronic acid can support hydration, essential to healing. Use chemical-free sunscreen to prevent irritation and sunburn.

A Temporary Change in Routine

Skip any strenuous exercise that can make you sweat for at least 48 hours, including swimming. Sweating can interrupt the healing process and add discomfort. Go makeup-free, too; when you do return to using makeup, consider replacing your brushes. You’ll want to keep skin as clean as possible to prevent potential infection while you’re healing. Once a few days have gone by, your skin’s surface will have recovered enough to begin restoring your regular skin care and exercise routines while still being mindful of the risks of infection.

Contact Vasu Skin Solutions Located in Boulder Today

Microneedling can help alleviate common skin care concerns and anti-aging worries. It’s commonly used to treat broken capillaries and acne scars while also improving the appearance of wrinkles and sun spots. By taking microneedling skin care seriously after your treatment, you can increase the chances you’ll see marked improvement in the look and feel of your skin and in your confidence, too. Book your consultation with Vasu Skin Solutions in Boulder today, and learn more about how you can benefit from microneedling.

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